All Psychology

Places We Have Traded
We were up to £12,000 trading the FTSE 100 when we arrived in Canada. Nice winning trade whilst at the Australian tennis open. Office with a view in Hong Kong! Work from anywhere in the world. Once you have the skills to trade, which we teach within our Live Room program, you just need your laptop […]
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Think you can gain an edge using daily news events for your trading? think again……. It’s a common misconception that fluctuations in the stock market are entirely event driven. In other words, economic releases and news events are what cause the stock market to move up and down and the movement is correlated to whether […]
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The real truth behind the professionals who manage your money
A subject which is rarely talked about… If you put a man in a well-tailored suit and sit him in one of the city’s top banks there is an immediate impression that this person has lots of experience in financial markets and also makes buckets of money for his clients. The reality is many of […]
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Turn Your Trading Around
Because of the position we’ve put ourselves in, we feel a great responsibility to share everything we know about trading. We want to bring value by offering up everything we have in the way of content and insight. And because of that, we have to consciously step outside the hustle every so often and really […]
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Beyond ‘Driven’: 6 Traits that Make a Great Trader
You often hear people say that being a day trader isn’t for the faint of heart. Nevertheless, everyone seems to want to take a shot. There’s plenty of money to be made and there’s nothing like knowing you excel at something few people even understand. But what does it take to be a great trader? […]
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6 Things We Wish We Knew When We Were Starting Out
We’ve learned a lot in our now, 3 decades combined, as traders. Most of which we had to learn on our own. This means some of that knowledge has been hard-earned and I am sure you all know what that means. We could cringe over some of the mistakes we have made and thousands we […]
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